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Sage 300 ACCPAC

Databit is officially IMDA appointed vendor for PSG grant pre-approved Sage 300 InvoiceNOW packagesUp_to_50_PC

DATABIT in collaboration with IMDA to pre-scope this powerful solution that will enhance your productivity with PSG (Productivity Solutions Grant) funding of up to 50% to defray its qualifying cost. All our pre-approved Sage 300 InvoiceNOW packages (formerly known as Peppol E-invoicing Ready) come with the latest release 2024.IMDA GO DIGITAL

Companies can apply for PSG grant if they meet the following criteria:

  • Registered and operating in Singapore
  • Purchase/lease/subscription of the IT solutions or equipment must be used in Singapore
  • (Selected solutions only) An SME with minimum 30% local shareholding; AND Company's Group annual sales turnover less than S$100 million, OR less than 200 employees

Eligible employers who fulfil the following criteria for SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) will receive a one-off $10,000 credit to cover up to 90% of the out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs:

  • Have employed at least three Singapore Citizens (SCs) or Permanent Residents (PRs) every month over the qualifying period; and
  • Have not been previously qualified for SFEC; and
  • Are not in default of their SDL contributions during the qualifying period and do not have an inactive ACRA status during qualification.

In our past 20 over years of Sage 300 Accpac experience - we have seen numerous cases of business failure due to the breakdown of a poorly implemented accounting system or inadequate trained users operating the system inappropriately. Oftentimes these could lead to severe consequences such as winding up the entire business.SAGE AUTHORIZED PARNTER

If you are facing these dilemma - we can help. Sage 300 (formerly known as Sage ERP ACCPAC or ACCPAC Advantage Series) is a fully integrated, robust accounting software designed for many different industries, small to mid-sized enterprises and supporting multi-currencies and multi-languages deployment.

This is why our priority is focused on ensuring Sage 300 to be the right fit for you. Deciding on Sage 300 is just the beginning towards your business success.

Our experience team of qualified consultants will work relentlessly with your company to achieve your dreams at the finishing line.

With Databit ONE-STOP Sage 300 professional services - we believe not only you will find the right product; more importantly a trusted Sage partner who understand you - and with capabilities to always deliver whether on-premises or on cloud.

CALL  6334 0388  to find out more about our Sage 300 InvoiceNOW pre-approved PSG packages.
